Friday, October 17, 2008

What Twice in One Week

I have increased my internet "allowance" and going to try and at least blog once a week. I will have Deb to remind me!

My first award!

I thank Deb for the Blogging Friends Forever award and being new to blogging keep forgetting to ask on Wednesday's about the etiquette of blogging awards thus the delay in acknowledging the award.

The rules are: for passing on the award are:
1. Only five people allowed
2. Four of them have to be dedicated followers of your blog and one has to be new and live in another part of the world.
3. You have to link back to who gave you the award.

This is not easy as alot of friends read my blog but are not bloggers themselves.
So I pass this award onto
Cait at this time.

I managed to get the afternoon yesterday to start on some ATC's and hope to finish them tonight. I have used all the scraps and bits from other projects.

I had to share this photo of one of the Supervisors.

Quite happy to sit in anything!

A worry! But what is going through that brain?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Caught Up!

I have been really busy with work since returning from holiday,then had a visit from my sister with her husband and two little boys, took a few days to recover once they left and then the flu struck. The craft side has not progressed very far at all. I did make an ATC for a Angela as a thank you for going shopping for me in Perth before coming up to Kalgoorlie. I used some hand dyed fabric which I had stamped on then covered with organza, added the lace, FME and added the flowers and a bead for the centre.

I will share with you in a later post a photo of my flower stash. Deb did admire and comment on the stash the first time she saw it.

Deb and I attended the local Spring Festival on Sunday. There were a few stalls were we parted with our money and returned home with goodies to an to the stash!