I joined the "No Theme ATC Swap" in February and had great fun making the below ATC's with a technique I found on Fannie's blog - putting watercolour oil pastels on the fabric in the rough shape of your design and then free motion stitching the design. Love the technique and will be having more fun in the following weeks. Thank you also to Carole for sharing the blog.
I recieved these ATC's from Diana last week for the 'No Theme Swap' Thank you to everyone for the great 'little' works of art. My collections is slowly growing!

Jane Howie, Karen Dean, Les Clarke
Alison Christensen, Cherie Hoyle, Marilyn Wilson
DH has gone to Perth - shopping, for the rugby and a Who concert so I have got the Procion dyes out to have some fun. Thank you to Linda for all her help to, I will share the results with you later. For once I managed to find all the ingredients here in Kal and not have to wait for the Postie to arrive.
Now off to get the sewing machine out to do some quilting to dye as per C June Barnes book Stitching to Dye in Quilt Art
I found this mystery flower in the garden last week.
Lovely yellow - my favorite colour but it has taken a while to discover what it is. I set Mum a task and she has discovered it is a Spider Lily.
Strange things happen in my garden!