My first ATC swap arrived last week to start my collection.Thanks to Diana for organizing the swap. Thank you to
Rayna Shone, Jane Monk,Evie Harris, Amelia Ruscoe
Rayna Shone, Diana Bahler
I have painted a paper bag with black paint and then sprayed with Glitz Spritz. I intended to use Medieval Gold but in my last order from Dale she miss read the labels and sent Tumbleweed Sage instead of Purple Sage. Wonderful mistake as the colour is gorgeous on the black (the photo does not show the full effect) The bottle is nearly finished so I will have to order more but will have make sure she reads the label correctly!
The weekend was not greative at all. DH went to Perth to the rugby and returned with new supplies and a parcel from Angela but work has got in the way of having fun.
The flower from the Belladonna lily. The bulb was given to me by a fellow quilter a few years ago and this is the first year it has flowered.